Adam Graves -

Current Junior at SDSU and looking for an internship

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Here are some of the skills I've learned in and outside the classroom.


Primary programming language that I have been learning in school and using in all my school projects so far. In my work page you'll see most of the coding problems I have practiced are solved in Java!


So far with Python I have learned to not only be proficient in the language but I have also learned how to use it to create bots for my Discord server! Going to continue to practice and look for more projects.


Over this entire Spring Semester, I started the well known The Odin Project and learned how to create a rock paper scissors game as well as a etch-a-sketch utilizing JavaScript! Wanted to learn the skills to build a portfolio and other projects down the road.


I've practiced MySQL and SQL through online tutorials and a Udemy course that gives you hands on practice creating databases, complex joins, searching and grabbing data as well as combining it with Tableau!


Proficient in HTML5 and have utilizied it in many of my first projects to build general knowledge of creating websites and layouts. With starting The Odin Project, I have also learned CSS and have utilizied Flexbox and CSS Grid!


One of my projects is this portfolio itself! And with this project, I have learned to use SASS!